Profile Picture Dave Wikkinson

Dave Wikkinson

There are 3 posts for Dave Wikkinson, the oldest from October 10, 2023.

Kristen Bjorn: Augusto Arias and Dave Wikkinson

Kristen Bjorn: Augusto Arias and Dave Wikkinson

Entering center stage is the muy sexy Augusto Arias, who is inducting the young and handsome Dave Wikkinson into the Kristen Bjorn Society of Select Men. Both men enter, strip away their shirts, give us a spin and tease us with a view of what is to come.

Augusto takes Dave into his arms and his ass into his hands as the two begin to explore their passions for one another by kissing and fondling on their burgeoning cocks. The only other option at this point is to strip those shorts off and release those amazing cocks.
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15 Oct 23 By Dave Write a comment!