Profile Picture Dominick (ChaosMen)

Dominick (ChaosMen)

There is 1 post for Dominick (ChaosMen), the oldest from November 11, 2011.

Chaos Men: Dominick

Chaos Men: Dominick
Dominick is a boxer and it was fun to get some “props” in his photos. The guy is a natural show-off and is full of motivation and energy. He is lots of fun to be around. He has a lean muscle-build that belies his boxing ability, but then again, there are weight classes for this sort of thing. Or so we are told!
Dominick is all Italian too, and quite proud of his heritage. Has some of the macho bravado going, and is eager to show of his ample cock too. His solo is pretty interactive, with him engaging and talking to the audience more than most solo guys.

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02 Nov 11 By Jo 10 Comments