Profile Picture Javen (ChaosMen)

Javen (ChaosMen)

There are 2 posts for Javen (ChaosMen), the oldest from February 2, 2009.

Chaos Men: Javen – Serviced

Chaos Men: Javen - Serviced
Bryan kept this one simple for a couple reasons.
He was WAY surprised when Javen called a week or so after his shoot saying he needed to get caught up on his mortgage, and would do an oral scene.
The one caveat, he needed the money in very short order. Bryan does try to spread these vids out amongst other performers, and knew he was getting way too many videos of him (LOTS of EDGE vids on the horizon!), but hey he was free, and Javen sure is cute.

Continue with “Chaos Men: Javen – Serviced”

12 Mar 09 By Ken 13 Comments

Chaos Men: Javen

Chaos Men: Javen
Jet black hair and green eyes, yowie, Javen is an amazing looking guy!
He says he goes for the cheerleader type of girl, but is trying to get out of that trend. Apparently, there is a quite a bit of drama with high maintenance girls.
He’s just a very likable and sexy guy that seems very down to Earth, professional, as well as polite. Someone you would take home to meet mom.
And that sweet looking exterior harbors a naughty boy inside, and thankfully he is willing to share his private time with us.

Continue with “Chaos Men: Javen”

03 Feb 09 By Ken 10 Comments