Profile Picture Leandro HairyDomXL

Leandro HairyDomXL

There are 2 posts for Leandro HairyDomXL, the oldest from February 2, 2024.

Tim Tales: Leandro HairyDomXL, John Brachalli and Tim Kruger

Tim Tales: Leandro HairyDomXL, John Brachalli and Tim Kruger

It’s time for this Tim Tales trio to begin ad it’s a romantic fuck fest for sure.

Leandro HairyDom is a phenomenon, a rugged, commanding top with an incredibly large cock. All eyes are riveted by on him.

Leandro and Tim Kruger‘s renowned cocks are ready to tag team John Brachalli, who has a huge opening. Talk about dream team!

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18 Feb 24 By Dave Write a comment!