Profile Picture Loc Rios

Loc Rios

There is 1 post for Loc Rios, the oldest from February 2, 2023.

Kristen Bjorn: Jose Hartman, Loc Rios and Ares

Kristen Bjorn: Jose Hartman, Loc Rios and Ares

Ares was so worked up over his last performance on Kristen Bjorn that he wanted to bring along his friends Jose Hartman and Loc Rios to be inducted into the Kristen Bjorn Society of Select Men.

As the guys enter the room, we can see the chemistry between them and see that they are all eager to strip down and get busy. Apparently, Ares is the alpha in this group as it is his cock that gets attention first. Jose goes down first while Loc and Ares engage in some very passionate kissing.
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12 Feb 23 By Dave Write a comment!