Profile Picture Luccas Toblerone

Luccas Toblerone

There are 2 posts for Luccas Toblerone, the oldest from August 8, 2023.

Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and Blessed Xboy

Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and BlessedxBoy

Blessed as fuck! BlessedxBoy finally meets the dick of a lifetime. Luccas’ humongous cock is all BlessedxBoy ever wanted. It’s ridiculously thick and long. The absolute perfect size for his Brazilian raw hole on Tim Tales.

Watch Luccas destroy that beautiful bottom man like a true alpha Brazilian top. That dick is so sweet, BlessedxBoy will come back for more. And so should you.
Continue with “Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and Blessed Xboy”

23 Nov 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and Steven Angel

Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and Steven Angel

Are you ready for something big? we mean, HUGE. Meet Brazilian humongous newcomer Luccas Toblerone and his ridiculously massive dick. It’s a feast for the eyes. So much cock, it doesn’t even fit the frame. Hope you have some gigantic appetite. Right, Steven?

The Colombian bottom star sure is ready to take all that dick. He’s still speechless about how much cock was breeding his hole. It’s an enormous fuck fest you sure don’t wanna miss. Welcome to Tim Tales Luccas!
Continue with “Tim Tales: Luccas Toblerone and Steven Angel”

27 Aug 23 By Dave Write a comment!