Profile Picture Matias (TheMaleMuse)

Matias (TheMaleMuse)

There are 2 posts for Matias (TheMaleMuse), the oldest from September 9, 2023.

The Male Muse: Matias

The Male Muse: Matias

This is The Male Muse‘s second session with sexy Polish boy Matias and this time around they worked in his favorite new studio in central Madrid. He’s still cutting his teeth as a model while building up his portfolio, but he’s definitely gained some confidence since their last session.

There is still some nervous energy there, but Matias has the raw talent that can take him places if he stays at it. He definitely has accumulated a few fans!
Continue with “The Male Muse: Matias”

16 Dec 23 By Dave Write a comment!

The Male Muse: Matias

The Male Muse: Matias

This was Mark’s first session with this sexy Polish boy who now lives in Madrid. Matias contacted The Male Muse on a modeling site after seeing his work and they did a test shoot during his visit last week.

This was his first ever time being in front of the camera, so he was super nervous. But you’d never know from the photos as the guy is a natural. He’s still pondering doing nudes so they’ll discuss crossing that bridge when they organize a future shoot.
Continue with “The Male Muse: Matias”

12 Sep 23 By Dave Write a comment!