Profile Picture Matthieu Corne

Matthieu Corne

There are 4 posts for Matthieu Corne, the oldest from April 4, 2017.

Bel Ami: Matthieu Corne

Bel Ami has a great pleasure to introduce you all to Matthieu today. Although there is no surf in the Czech Republic, Matthieu would be right at home catching some waves in southern California, with his tousled blond hair and cheeky smile. We don’t think that we need to keep you in too much suspense about Matthieu and tell you that you will be seeing some more of him coming up on Freshmen soon. Those of you with a keen ear (or eye for directorial style) will recognize that this casting was filmed by Jeff Daniels

See more at Bel Ami.

16 Apr 17 By Dave 5 Comments