Profile Picture Merill (ChaosMen)

Merill (ChaosMen)

Also known as Merrill Patterson and Levi Whitman

There are 2 posts for Merill (ChaosMen), the oldest from November 11, 2020.

ChaosMen: Merill and Lorenzo – Serviced

ChaosMen: Merill and Lorenzo - Serviced

Despite doing previous guy-on-guy sex videos, Merill is still working through his limits. He has a porn to look at, but spent most of the time looking at the overhead camera, watching himself with discern on his face.

Bryan thought the massage table theme would be good for him, but he is also very quiet, and massages tend to lean to the calm side.

Lorenzo oiled him up good, paying attention to Merill’s ass and feet. He also slicks up his cock, getting him hard.

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18 Nov 20 By Jo 3 Comments