Profile Picture Nathan (ChaosMen)

Nathan (ChaosMen)

There are 2 posts for Nathan (ChaosMen), the oldest from December 12, 2014.

ChaosMen: Nathan

ChaosMen: Nathan
Nathan is a chef and a surfer dude.
He spends his time on the coast line, working at nice restaurants, so he can spend time catching the waves. You can tell by the nautical theme his tattoos have, that his main love is the ocean. He is little like a typical surfer dude, very chill and relaxed about life, though it does sound like he takes his chef duties very serious. He is all about food and fun in the sun!
He is also an artist. He does his own tattoos and brought a sketch book with him to keep himself occupied while traveling.

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15 Dec 14 By Jo 9 Comments