Profile Picture Porter (ActiveDuty)

Porter (ActiveDuty)

There is 1 post for Porter (ActiveDuty), the oldest from May 5, 2012.

ActiveDuty: Porter

active duty porter
Porter hails from Phoenix, Arizona, he’s 21-years old, stands 5′ 8″ and weighs 145 lbs. In high school Porter ran cross-country track, swam and wrestled. Sounds like he was quite the little jock. Porter has personality for days and he’s all smiles. Dink can’t wait to get him naked and once he does, he comes out of his jeans with a raging hard cock, ready to get right down to business. That furry little butt grabs my attention right away and Dink can’t seem to get enough of it and boy does he know how to show it off. He’s also not shy about playing with that sweet little hole and sticking his finger inside.

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12 May 12 By Dave 7 Comments