We found 77 results for chi chi larue

QC Open Forum: Chi Chi La Rue’s Opens A GoFundMe Rehab Fund

QC Open Forum: Chi Chi La Rue's Opens A GoFundMe Rehab Fund

One of the most recognizable names in the porn industry is trying to reach a goal in sobriety. We randomly discovered this GoFundme page and at first we had our doubts, the recent fiasco of Brandon from SC and his GoFundMe page was still fresh in our memories, so we decided to be careful with this one. But upon further investigation her Twitter account seems to confirm that the page is real. Chi Chi has retweeted several messages from porn stars and fans showing support and encouraging their followers to collaborate in the campaign.

The gay porn director, dj and diva has been active in the industry since the 90s and she has discovered several porn stars along the way. With multiple awards under her belt and even a store with her name is sad the hear that she has been struggling with addiction “for years” what makes us happy is to learn the news about her decision to take the bull by the horns and get help.

We ask you QC reader, do you think crowdfunding a rehab treatment is the way to go to tackle this problem specially when it comes to a known personality of the gay industry? Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments!

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30 Jul 15 By G. 5 Comments

The Transformation Of Chris Crocker: From “Leave Britney Alone” To A ChiChi LaRue Porn?!!

Remember Chris Crocker? He’s the androgynous twink who once made a weepy, shouty YouTube plea for people to “Leave Britney alone!” Well he’s grown up into a sexy, scruffy 23-year-old who’s now telling Britney to stop doing stage performances because everything show she’s done since the Circus era has sucked.
Way harsh, Chris. But what’s this? He’s also gonna film a porn with ChiChi LaRue? No… really??

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17 Jun 11 By paperbagwriter 35 Comments

Finally, Sexy Freaky Francois Sagat Gets His Own Documentary!

We’re still busy wiping our tears over secksy artfreak Francois Sagat’s semi-retirement, but you’ll still have one last chance to see him turn his sexy ass out… well, if you live in France anyway. TITAN media and the Gay Porn Times both just released mention of Canal+’s Francois Sagat documentary playing on French national TV March 1st.
While Americans can’t even let gays kiss on national TV, French audiences will have the pleasure of watching this magnificent manicorn turn himself out in a rhinestone studded speedo on national TV. The documentary also features Dean Monroe, Wilifried Knight speaking French, and Chi Chi LaRue being interviewed in a toilet—maybe they were filming a scene in her office. We’d love to see a subtitled version of the doc, but until then we’ll have to content ourselves with the video short of Sagat posing for gay shutterbug Terry Richardson (above). Oh Francois! Fade away never!

26 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Chi Chi LaRue Wants You To Shut Your Fucking Hole

Last year, Chi Chi LaRue came up with the “Wrap It Up” campaign featuring Johnny Hazzard. This year, she’s telling young men to “shut their holes” whenever they wanna have sex without a condom. So she’s made another PSA, except this time with a bajillion porn stars in it. It’s an interesting campaign especially considering that some of the video’s stars have starred in bareback porn.

21 Sep 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerying: Conner Habib

Queerying Conner Habib
Yes, porn stud Conner Habib has a charming gleam in his eye and a body that is well-suited for his wonderfully torrid sexual desires he shares with us in front of the camera.
But after talking to him, I quickly realized it’s not just Conner’s physical attributes that making him alluring, it’s his refreshing outlook on the world, sexuality and the lines we all draw about privacy, secrecy and how we project ourselves openly to the world. And that’s the thing about Conner: he’s not the trashy, ditzy, tragic mess we sometimes just assume guys in porn are.
There’s a certain peace about him. Maybe it’s from his devotion to meditation or from his academic background, but having an interview with him soon feels like a conversation you might have with an old friend. He’s smart, he’s funny and a guy who’s got observations about being in porn that might just reflect into our own daily lives and how we go about them. If we’d ever been smitten by a guy who’s a total package—good looks, a cute butt and a mind that will keep us true—Conner Habib may be our new favorite guy in porn.
Conner Habib
And we couldn’t be happier for him as he was nominated this year for a GAYVN award, as Best Newcomer. (We try to stay unbiased around here, but we’re totally planning on giving you a big ol’ bear hug if you win, Conner.)

Hi Conner! Okay, first off… I’ve gotta say, congratulations on your nomination as Best Newcomer for the upcoming GAYVN Awards in September. How did the news of the nomination hit you?

I’m really excited about it! Of course some of the excitement is for validation. I work really hard—keeping in shape, eating right, making calls for gigs etc (I wrote about the craziness of being a porn star on my blog). But I’m also excited that a non-exclusive, non-gigantically buff, vegetarian smartass can be nominated for a GAYVN. If there’s a message in there anywhere (and maybe there isn’t) it’s a nice message. Also, I have a really sexy date planned, and I’m happy to be in a room with a bunch of good-looking, good-hearted people.
I can’t wait to see you at the show! So beyond the awards, how the hell are you?!

I’m great! Does anyone say, “I’m actually feeling like shit these days” when you ask them this?

I wish they would! “Ahhh, man, fuck off… I feel like crap.” I guess people ask this not really caring about the answer. It’s funny how we say things and don’t even realize what we’re asking. I’d imagine you must have all sorts of experiences with nervous fans who have all sorts of preconceived notions. Does that ever get tiresome?

People get a little silly, but I enjoy that I’ve had those moments myself. I bumped into former Hot House model Enzo Grimaldi when I was in London and I was like huh-huh-huh-huh-hello. And don’t get me started on when I saw Zak Spears at the Faultline in L.A.. So, I’m completely flattered by it. It’s a really special moment when you meet someone who’s made his or her way into your imagination.

That’s a good perspective on it. I think we forget that guys in porn would also fantasize about other guys in porn as well. Do you think there are many misconceptions about what the real lives of “porn stars” are like?

Of course! Mostly because there’s no “typical porn star life”. We’re all so different.

Conner Habib

You seem pretty darn upfront and honest and don’t try to stay too mysterious or create a certain persona between on and off camera? Is that true? Is that a battle you face, where to define that line between what you share publicly and what you choose to keep private?

I try to be myself as much as possible, but no one can pull that off entirely. Sometimes we smile when we’re upset or have conversations when we’d rather be alone. Everybody’s like that. That being said, I do think it’s important to be true to yourself and notice when you’re not and question why. But I don’t hold back my personality for the sake of privacy. Instead, I think there are some things that are appropriately and naturally private.

Nothing, on the other hand, is naturally secret. I think people confuse privacy and secrecy a lot. Privacy is something that feels clean and happy when you keep it inside or between two people. It’s something no one can take away from you. It’s your thinking and your integrity and how you make your decisions every day. Or it could be the smile you shared in the morning with your lover next to you in bed or how you feel about him or her in your heart. Everything that happens within our hearts and souls is private.
Secrecy, is what you think you’d prefer to be hidden, because it’s not hidden naturally. Generally, it involves something you did or something involving the material world. The naked body, the things you did at a party last Saturday night, the way you made fun of someone—those are all secrets. I think that most things people are trying to keep secret are things that they actually desperately want to tell others.

There’s a good exercise for this that I borrow from spiritual teacher Byron Katie: Think of your partner or your mom or your best friend. Say to yourself, “The thing I never want you to find out is…” Then turn it around and say, “The thing I most want to tell you is…” You may find that you’re actually dying to show the other person the very thing you think needs to be hidden. It’s the keeping it in that feels terrible; the keeping it in is the real problem.

I think porn has taught me that bodies are a part of this cult of secrecy—I don’t think that bodies are private. They’re bodies, they’re made out of material. We can try to keep them a secret, but everybody has one. What’s the deal with being so afraid to show it? The pain comes when we think we have to hide them.

One of my heroes, Amber Hollibaugh once said, “Wherever you have a secret, that is where you are vulnerable.” When I heard her say that, I really took it to heart. I started talking about all the things I thought I had to hide. When I released them, they couldn’t hurt me anymore. There was nothing to find out or reveal because I’d said it all. That doesn’t mean I was proud of all of it, but I did feel proud to be strong enough to confess all of it so I could examine it.

I have private, intimate moments with someone I love or a close friend or in my thoughts. If someone asks me about those times, I may want to keep it to myself because I love the way it feels to have that to myself or to share it with only one other person. But if it comes out, it comes out, no big deal.

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27 Aug 10 By redmonkey 6 Comments

25-Year-Old C1R Perfomer Shane Risk Commits Suicide

sC1R Star Shane Risk Commits Suicide

Just one year ago we introduced you to Chi Chi LaRue’s latest porn discovery Shane Risk. And now at age 25, the young porn performer has committed suicide by hanging himself. Porn agent and blogger Jason Sechrest wrote the following obituary for Risk:

I met Shane Risk while hosting an event at Woody’s Bar in Tucson, Arizona. He was dancing like no one was watching and had the biggest ear to ear smile on his face. He was so excited to meet me and Chi Chi who was DJ’ing that night. He was all of 5′ 4″ and this adorable bouncing bundle of light and happiness.

I never saw that boy again but I never ever forgot him. About a month later, he told me was anxious to start his career in porn and wanted to move to L.A. and was desperately looking for a room. I was living in a huge mansion above Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood at the time where the landlord was renting out the rooms and I managed to get him a room there. But the person who came to L.A. was not the person I remembered seeing in Arizona. His smile had become this angry frown most of the time and that special twinkle was missing from his eyes. He was troubled and sad. I tried to befriend him in hopes of finding his smile again but I never could and I felt — and feel — like a failure for it. No matter what I did, it never seemed to be enough to pull him out of whatever hole he was in and eventually I limited my contact with him.

What many may not know about Shane Risk is that he was an incredibly talented musician who gave up porn shortly after filming “Taken” to focus on his music. He wrote lots of beautiful brilliant songs and produced for many artists as well. You can find some of them here. I loved his music and it was only in his songs that I was able to find the boy dancing in Tucson. He bared his soul in his music and you could find the totality of all he was therein, the light and the dark.

His disconnect from the light of this world though grew darker and darker until it finally faded to black and there is nothing that any of us could have done to stop him from that path to which he seemed determined.

I’d like to believe somewhere a baby is being born, screaming his little lungs out and then quieting with the biggest ear to ear smile.

We are saddened to hear about this handsome’s boy tragic end. Who knows the films, music, or other accomplishments he could have made had he not died so young. Rest in peace, Shane.

28 Jul 10 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments

QCA Comedy Quickie: Make Money The Reese Rideout Way And Porn The Chi Chi LaRue Way!!

The recession has really bent a lot of us over and taken us from behind. But Reese Rideout can tell you how to make $5000 extra bucks a month working entirely from home. All you need is a phone, a smile, and a knack for customer service. It’s easier than you think and can make playtime paytime!

Now that you’ve made a little more pocket money, it’s time to capitalize on your newfound suck-cess by making some new hot porn. But where to start? Let Chi Chi tell you how. With just a few nipple clamps, good lighting, and a black guy you’ll be making mega fuckbucks!

14 Jul 10 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

PataPORN With Chinpoko

PataPORN With Chinpoko
June is busting out all over… HOPEFULLY ON YOUR FACE! Yes, I think I made that joke last June, but it’s so good. But I DO know what will make you bust out all over your own face… this week’s PataPORN WITH CHINPOKO!
Xtra Inches: Gunner and Ricky Sinz
Xtra Inches: Gunner and Ricky Sinz
Whew! Xtra inches hit my fantasy right on the tip of the head! PATA PATA!
Can I just say that Gunner is one of the hottest names ever for man? Really it is. I think there was G.I. Joe character named Gunner that used to always give me a chubby. The name sounds so rough, tough, and ready to fuck.
Well, Gunner owns up to his namesake in this video. Not only does he have the thickest freakin’ prick I’ve seen in a while, he also has no mercy on Ricky’s tight hole. Gunner slams his cock way up into Ricky so much, I bet that boy gets a tickle in his throat while getting fucked.
This video had me at hello. Okay, they never actually say “hello”. It’s more like it had me at skater hats and tons of tattoos. OH! Chinpoko loves the bad boys!!!!

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07 Jun 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

2010 Hustlaball Features Great Techno, Rimjobs

Hustlaball is an annual event in London where world-famous porn stars gather to dance in jockstraps to techno and rim and blow each other onstage. We couldn’t afford to go this year (sad clown), but we did get a taste of the action in this special video and it tastes like butt (the good kind).
Jonathan Agassi, Rafael Alencar, Mike Dreyden, Chi Chi LaRue, Logan McCree, Ryan Raz, and Junior Stellano all hit the stage for a show that had as much man-sex as it did colored light and smoke. And what’s more is that all the onstage heat didn’t cause the party to burst into flames like the US Hustlaball did.
A show this hot wouldn’t even be legal in the US, so if you wanna catch the uncensored action next year, start saving your pennies now!

05 May 10 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

PataPORN With Chinpoko

PataPORN With Chinpoko
An oil spill in the Gulf, volcanoes erupting, and pleated pants making a comeback. Ah, there’s been some tragedies this month people…but NOTHING is going to stop me from giving you the porn you deserve. It’s time for PATAPORN WITH CHINPOKO!!
UK Naked Men: Photographing Foreskins
UK Naked Men: Photographing Foreskins
Foreskin alert! Foreskin alert!
UK Naked Men has just released a great how to video of how to suck uncut cock. Are you listening, Cody Cummings?
This boy Shane is obsessed with Leo’s extra inch of skin. Shane takes that foreskin and he licks it, sucks it, bites it, tickles it, and fucks it. PATA PATA!
Of course Leo’s in heaven. Who doesn’t love a good blowjob? Ahh, isn’t that the best? You know, when a fella’s so obsessed with your cock that they can’t stop sucking it. Ah, I tell you dear fans… there ain’t nothing better than some awesome head. Leo is a lucky lucky man.

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02 May 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Brent Corrigan Teaches You How To Fuck (With A Condom)

FUK!T is probably the best safe-sex organization ever because they feature actual dick in their condom ads. Their latest public service announcement features ex-barebacker Brent Corrigan teaching you how to properly use a condom. And luckily he never calls sex “intercourse”, “lovemaking”, or “copulation.” He calls it “fucking” and it’s fucking hot. In fact, the inly way this PSA could get any hotter is if it showed Brent actually plowing some boy ass, but we’ll have to wait for the bloopers reel to see any of that.
More porn stars safely fucking on QC:
Chi Chi LaRue and Johnny Hazzard Want You To Wrap It Up!
Matthew Rush Teaches You How To Put On A Condom
Hot House Safe Sex Posters

27 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments

Channel 1’s Steven Daigle XXXPosed: Big Brother’s Gay Cowboy Makes A Dildo, Dingles Josh Griffin’s and Jimmy Durano’s Dangles

UPDATE: Perez Hilton shares a nakey pic of Daigle down below.
About a month ago we alerted you that Big Brother’s Gay Cowboy, Steven Daigle would soon appear in a Channel 1 porn, only furthering our theory about the connection between gay porn and reality TV. The film’s entitled Steven Daigle XXXPosed and features Channel 1 at its sluttiest. Daigle fucks around with Channel 1 exclusives Jimmy Durano and Josh Griffin and it looks hott (yes, with two Ts)!!
The slamming sex flick also features Johnny Hazzard, Brandon Lewis, Paul Wagner, Slade. And, if you’re wondering what’s up with the black-and-white footage above, according to Unzipped Blog, Chi Chi Larue handed Daigle, Durano, and Jeremy Bilding a small flip cam and… well, we’ll let Daigle tell you:

We filmed some of it ourselves with a flip cam, and then there was a camera man getting some other footage, so it’s going to be a mix of both. It really didn’t feel like a porn shoot, actually, and was more straight up uninhibited, hot sex. We were in this tiny bathroom, and Chi Chi told us, “Spend an hour in there and see what happens. Just do everything you would normally do if you were hooking up,”…and we did everything.

Big Brother's Gay Cowboy Makes A Dildo, Dingles Josh Griffin's and Jimmy Durano's Dangles
And if that weren’t enough, Daigle’s also made a dildo of his fat dingle—it’s an ample cock for anyone who wants to ride the cowboy. Maybe you can watch the film while fucking yourself with it, seeing as both come out at the same time! We’re sure to have some sizzling stills from the release, so stay tuned!
Daigle's tasty nude
UPDATE: Perez Hilton got a hold of Daigle’s tasty nude and the boy’s got a bod and a cock on him. We hope Channel 1 picks him up as an exclusive… RAWR!
Thanks to Dudetube for the pics.

27 Feb 10 By paperbagwriter 10 Comments

Big Brother’s Gay Cowboy Steven Daigle Works With Chi Chi LaRue’s Channel 1 Releasing

Big Brother's Gay Cowboy Steven Daigle Works With Chi Chi LaRue's Channel 1 Releasing
The revolving door between reality TV and gay porn keeps turning as Big Brother 10’s gay cowboy, Steven Daigle has decided to go XXX for Chi Chi LaRue and Channel 1 Releasing. TMZ released a photo of him in the shower with Jeremy Bilding, presumably from Daigle’s upcoming flick (which is also rumored to be “mostly in the can”—we’re assuming they mean “mostly finished” rather than “full of toilet trampery”).
Daigle told TMZ, “I didn’t expect my life to take this path, but when I was presented with the opportunity, I dove in head first—literally.” Mmm-hmm. Back when he first popped his head into GuysWithiPhones, we said that we’d like to see his full cock on display rather than just a teasing shot. We’re pretty pleased that he took our advice to heart.
Towleroad via Sticky.

22 Jan 10 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Top 10 QComments

Top 10 QComments
You post, we praise. It’s a new week, but the same game. And this week’s collection of QComments include a guy who feels mighty guilty jerking off to an ex-convict, someone who’s tired of anti-bareback sanctimony, and one guys who says that twincest’s just the last stop on a slippery slope towards necrophilia. What the heck is everyone talking about? Read on and see…
Peters Twins Taboo!
We’ll start with what was easily our hottest post this last week, The Peters Twins Fucking Bareback for Bel Ami. The post had its share of QCommenters who absolutely creamed for the boys and their twin taboo lovemaking, but its detractors felt just as strongly against it. Take Troy for example. He’s against incest, but mainly because it reminds him of heterosexual incest (and thus, two-headed babies):

Whatever. This is gross. Spare me the consenting adults jazz. IMO, it’s no less demented than a brother and sister fucking around. I don’t care if they can’t reproduce. Would people be so quick to shrug it off if a brother and sister rationalized their affair by stating that they use condoms…or that if she becomes pregnant, she’d just abort? I don’t think so. With 6 billion people in the world, there is no reason people should be shacking up with family members.

We hate to admit it, but if we were straight, we’re pretty sure that we’d find sex between a hot twin brother and sister pair just as hot (and not just in anticipation of their ungodly, inbred offspring or its eminent abortion). Sex is sex. What if Bel Ami had posted the same scene without the information that they were brothers? Hell, some of their Eastern European models look kind of alike anyway. Would Troy have found it as “gross”? It’s anyone’s guess.
Similarly, J. Clarence is alarmed at how many people seem to like “twincest”, but nonetheless, he thinks Bel Ami hasn’t gone quite far enough in breaking taboos. In fact, he’d like you to call him when it goes much, much further:

Blkraunch, You find the fact that they are getting into bareback as a sign that sales might be slow!? What about the incest. Wouldn’t the fact that they have had to play this up for so long, and in fact pitched it as “the ultimate taboo” be a leading candidate as to whether or not sales are down. It isn’t the deepest sign of brotherly love. Its incest. Nothing less, nothing more. I don’t know what’s more alarming, the fact that they were willing to do it (though if you were strapped for money you could rationalize anything) or the fact that there is clearly an audience willing to buy into “twincest”. I suppose Josman comics were not enough. Plus, I hardly would consider this the ultimate taboo. When one of them is dead and Bel Ami pays the other the screw the corpse and a goat at the same time call me and we can discuss whether or not thats the ultimate taboo. I could just imagine the talking-points conservatives would conjure up if they got wind of this.

We’d pretty sure that Bel Ami’s not going to try and break into the gay-necro-bestiality market, but if they do, we’ll definitely give you a call, J. Clarence. We’d also like to think that if “talking-points conservatives” decided to go on a witch hunt for morally reprehensible material, that they’d visit QCX’s rosebud section—yes, that’s an advertisement (IF YOU DARE!!!).
Talking about reprehensible sexual activity, Ginger feels somewhat conflicted about jerking off to Mike Tyson. Yes, the man’s an ex-convict, ear-munching maniac who’s house has fallen into disrepair, but Ginger can’t help but get turned on:

Yes, I know he’s a scumbag. Not very goodlooking either. But he has a gorgeous body! Would luv to see better nudes of him. He makes my dick throb! I’ve jacked off quite a bit to his photo and I must say I’ve never came so hard or so much in my life. Even made a video doing it.

This reminds us of a horrible story, if you’ve got a second. One of Team Orange jerked off to a unmarked videotape which feature a troll-ugly top sodomizing a beautiful jock bottom with a frighteningly huge dildo. In their co-mingled disgust and titillation, they came uncontrollably, loathing themselves as each hot spurt of jism covered their clawed hand. They were living with their folks at the time, cleaned up, and tucked the videotape at the back of the video cabinet so that he could watch it later.
That guy ended up leaving the country, and his mother inserted the tape for some children who stopped by, thinking it might be some old Saturday morning cartoons that her kids taped in the 80’s. Haha—WRONG. When one of the kids started saying, “That man is hurting that other man,” his mother dashed over to the TV ejected the tape and called him international long distance to bitch him out. We find that hilarious, though some of you will undoubtedly disagree. But seeing as we’ve already mentioned twincest, necrophilia, anal rosebuds, bestiality, and cannibalism, is accidentally exposing young children to hardcore gay pornography really that shocking? If so, you should start watching the evening news…
More witticisms and fuckery await, after the jump!

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08 Dec 09 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments

Chi Chi LaRue and Johnny Hazzard Want You To Wrap It Up!

On this World AIDS Day, Chi Chi LaRue has shown up (without her nose) to remind you that safe sex is hot sex.

And she’s brought along QC lust object Johnny Hazzard to help send the message home. You know how much we like safe sex ads that feature actual porn stars and actual fucking, so we’re happy to spread our buttcheeks the word to help stop the spread of HIV. Whether you’re HIV-positive or negative, it’s our responsibility to make sure that HIV stops with us.

02 Dec 09 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments