Cory’s Shower at

Cory's Shower at

Corbin Fisher
‘fesses that he gets somewhat of a kick out of how he so often ends up obsessing over a particular feature of a guy that catches his eye early on and stands out upon first look, and continues to be the aspect of them that he simply can’t get enough of!
For Cory, it was that fuzzy tummy that really stood out early on. He has this smooth upper body and boyish face, so it was a tremendous surprise when he lifted off that shirt for the first time in front of the cameras to reveal a wonderfully fuzzy tummy.

Cory's Shower at
In and of itself, that might not be the greatest thing. It’s even hotter when wet and lathered, as you’re about to see with Cory’s shower video!

Mar 16, 2006 By Ken 8 Comments

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