Get Sticky!!

Get Sticky Already!
Over the last few months, we’ve been working on a new site we think you’re going to love! It’s been a loooong process, but the time to launch is here! [Insert drumroll] Introducing STICKY! QueerClick’s latest toy for round-the-clock amusement.
So what is Sticky you ask.
Well think of it as a Notice Board+Digg+Blog+Gallery+Social Network+Community. An amusement park really.
Sticky is an endless filtration of what WE collectively (that means me and you!) decide will brighten up our time in cyberspace. It is a communal space where everyone hangs out, contributes, shares and goes
mad with post-its!
Sticky is your interactive notice board full of the latest from the grapevine. It is a constantly updated scrapbook with the hottest gems/men/whatever. It is the telephone booth full of flyers you put up! But is your flyer good enough for a sticky spot? And even so, will others feel it’s Sticky or Icky?
Warning: Sticky is highly addictive, and may be mess inducing.
It’s rather intuitive, so stop on by, create an account and start getting sticky! As with all nubile young sites, Sticky is still very much a work in progress, so if you encounter any bugs, please do bug us!!
Go have at it, have fun, and tell your friends about this Sticky new hangout!

Mar 24, 2007 By Editor D 12 Comments