Ben Tests The Waters at

ben tests the waters
As promised, Ben returns this week in a truly great set that sizzles from start to finish; and what a finish this hot 26 year old with a great endowment gives. This is one show you really don’t want to miss.
As you may have noticed, BukBuddies recently resurrected their 8 foot round water bed placing it in the new studio for a series of new photo shoots. Naturally, Ben was attracted to it immediately and before we could say “go” the shooting session was off and running. Now, knowing how well hung Ben is, they just wondered if he was one of those guys if given the right circumstance and surroundings might be able to do himself. So we started by having Ben roll around on the bed fully dressed, then sans pants, throwing his feet high in the air and over his head. You know, just testing the waters, so to speak.

Jun 28, 2007 By Dave 5 Comments

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