Chaos Men: Dyson – Toys

Chaos Men: Dyson - Toys
Bryan was planning on hooking Dyson up with another dude. Neither of them had bottomed, so it was going to be a coin toss or maybe a flip-flop video as they both tested out the waters.
Both the other model and Dyson partied like rockstars the night before. The other model woke up late, without a car, hung over, and in a stranger’s bed on the opposite side of the city from the airport.
So Bryan turned lemons into lemonade and gave Dyson a few toys

Chaos Men: Dyson - Toys
Dyson’s dick just got harder and harder the bigger the toy got. The real fun was the various butt plugs Bryan got for him. Don’t miss this one.

Oct 23, 2008 By Ken 9 Comments

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