QContest: Win Dylan Rosser’s X-posed!

Do me, D!
In the first picture above, photographer Dylan Rosser (right) holds his debut book, X-posed, standing next to one of his beautiful models, Rob, standing naked in the picture below with Erik.
QC was lucky enough to catch up with internationally renowned male photographer, Dylan Rosser this last week at the New York City launch party for his debut book, X-posed. Above is a pic of the photographer holding his book alongside one of his breathtaking models (shown naked below). The party was quite an international affair in the upstairs private room of The Ritz bar; lots of handsome men with accents from around the world, some shirtless waiters and guests, and drink specials to keep everyone in high spirits. We met and spoke with Dylan who was nice enough to give QC an autographed copy of his debut work.
And now, you have a chance to win Dylan Rosser’s signed copy of X-posed for your very own viewing pleasure! All you have to do is familiarize yourself some of Dylan’s hot, eye-popping photos via his website or via an image search and leave a compliment for him in our comments section. It needn’t be a comprehensive critique or some Shakespearean declaration, just a thoughtful, sincere compliment about his work. We’ll leave this post open for comments for one week (that is, the contest ends October 22nd). Then, we’ll ask Dylan himself which comment speaks the most to him. Whoever’s comment he chooses will win the book!
The winning comment will top an upcoming QCA review of X-posed along with an interview with the artist himself, so be sure to check back for that. It’s a fun contest to support a gay artist and his models. Whether you know Rosser’s work or not, going through his images is a reward in itself. We bet you’ll have lots of complimentary things to say, if you can also type one-handed. Good luck, everyone!

Oct 15, 2008 By paperbagwriter 29 Comments