Ask QC: Intense Orgasm!

Ask QC: Intense Orgasm!

Dearest QueerClick,

My boyfrienf, who is 22 and a lot younger than I am, experiences a very intense orgasm when I insert 2 or 3 fingers in his anus and stimulate his
prostate while he’s masturbating. He and I never knew about “anal”
orgasms” until recently.

Nothing wrong with that, but after he comes (a very, very intense
orgasm) he falls into a sort of spasmic state for a couple of minutes,
after which his muscles relax, but he remains in a semi-unconscious
state for 10 to 15 minutes. He does not react to any stimulus, whether it
be vocal or physical. And he cannot remember anything when he slowly
“wakes” up after that.

It is a bit scary to see him go into this “spasmic inertia”. But also
very exciting to see how he almost shoots to the stars… have any others ever had experiences like that?


Wow… that sounds amazing but also potentially scary if you’ve never seen it before. What do you think, QC readers? Have you ever seen a guy in such a state (or ever been a guy in such a state)? Please feel free to share your own experiences and advice to help him in the comments section.
Have a question for QC? Send ’em to [email protected] and we’ll do our best to solve your problems!

Apr 10, 2009 By paperbagwriter 8 Comments