Chaos Men: Jonah – Toys

Chaos Men: Jonah - Toys
Bryan seems to have run into a lot of red heads lately, so if you are fan of them, the next month or so will be full of them!
Jonah turned 18 only a couple months back, but has been eager to do porn since realizing his dick is pretty dang big! He has a girlfriend who clearly likes to bite on him.
On the car ride to the studio he told Bryan his girlfriend had done the finger trick on his prostate and he immediately busted. He thought maybe he could play with a toy- if it paid more of course!

Chaos Men: Jonah - Toys
So Bryan left it up to him, he placed 3-4 various sized dildos under a pillow and he just pulled out whichever one he picked and would use. Bryan thinks he picked just the right Starter size, and he really only stuggled with it a moment.
Jonah claims only his girlfirend’s finger has been up there, but he does like to fuck girls in the ass. So Bryan thinks if he goes on to do more work, he will be versatile. His dick has a major down swing on it, so he could fuck someone practically upside down, while equally liking some prostate action.
He was a little shy and self-conscious to start with, but then gets into it. Jonah busts a very healthy load for us!

Jul 16, 2009 By Ken 5 Comments

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