Chaos Men: Novak – Edge

Chaos Men: Novak - Edge
Bryan’s friend who referred Novak, kinda kept Novak thinking about doing more. So thanks to the friend who kept Novak informed and interested.
We think he sold Novak on doing more when he mentioned the Edge videos. We have said before that the guys all think the concept is kind of hot, but they seem to miss one important detail…the dreaded fantasy sequences where they try to push the model’s limits.
These videos have always been great at slowing showing the guys they can do more, and Novak was the perfect candidate.

Chaos Men: Novak - Edge
Novak and Bryan talked in detail about the shoot and he was a little surprised to find out that it just wasn’t sitting in a chair getting a blow job. So Bryan felt like he wouldn’t be able to push it too far. In fact he thought it might just be a re-run of his Serviced video.
BUT, he told Bryan that he was thinking of doing more anyway. His car repairs just kept mounting and he was liking the added income.
So they pushed his boundaries a little bit AND he was definitely not as stoic as he was. The boy talks!

Sep 10, 2009 By Ken 6 Comments

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