QC FYI: Assassin Tries To Kill Saudi Prince With Butt Bomb

QC FYI: Assassin Tries To Kill Saudi Prince With Butt Bomb
We just had to pass this one along. Joe.My.God. reported an unsuccessful assassination attempt on the life of a Saudi Prince by a would-be martyr who stuck a bomb up his anus. The attack didn’t go as planned. Joe has more:

Remember the guy who tried to light a bomb in his shoe? And now we have to take our shoes off at the airport? Remember the guy who tried to sneak in liquid explosives? And now we can’t bring shampoo on board? What do you think the TSA will do about the ass-bombers? Richard Scneier:

Nobody tell the TSA, but last month someone tried to assassinate a Saudi prince by exploding a bomb stuffed in his rectum. He pretended to be a repentant militant, when in fact he was a Trojan horse: The resulting explosion ripped al-Asiri to shreds but only lightly injured the shocked prince — the target of al-Asiri’s unsuccessful assassination attempt. Other news articles are here, and here are two blog posts.

For years, I have made the joke about Richard Reid: “Just be glad that he wasn’t the underwear bomber.” Now, sadly, we have an example of one. Lewis Page, an “improvised-device disposal operator tasked in support of the UK mainland police from 2001-2004,” pointed out that this isn’t much of a threat for three reasons: 1) you can’t stuff a lot of explosives into a body cavity, 2) detonation is, um, problematic, and 3) the human body can stifle an explosion pretty effectively (think of someone throwing himself on a grenade to save his friends).

Looks like you might want to keep an eye on the guy sitting next to you who keeps going to the bathroom. Or maybe that guy in the security line with the killer ass really has a KILLER ASS—is it real or is it plastique? Maybe you’d better squeeze to make sure. On Joe’s advice we checked out the comments section of Scneier’s article and collected the funniest ones below:

You’ll just have to hope it doesn’t explode when bending over to take your shoes off. Although, that can solve problem #3. Just bend over and “let rip”.

Time to buy shares in black rubber glove manufacturer’s…

just waiting for the first joke about explosive diarrhea…

I note the report states the device was probably detonated by remote control. I suppose this is one case where the traditional method of setting off a grenade (“Insert finger through ring and pull”) would have tipped the Prince off that something was wrong.

Well that certainly puts the “ass” in “assassin”.

I guess now he really *can’t* tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground.

Rectum?! Damn near killed him!

“you can’t stuff a lot of explosives into a body cavity” Are you kidding me? I’ve seen whole people come out of some body cavities.

The future is here and it is assplosives.

Sep 30, 2009 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments