Chaos Men: Parker – Toys

Chaos Men: Parker - Toys
Parker showed up twice to do a shoot, an the model he was due to work with missed his flights and just finally never showed up.
Parker was nervous to do his first full-on fucking with a dude, and had worked himself up to do it twice. So on one hand he was relieved, but on the other, he just wanted to do the scene and well, just get it over with.

Chaos Men: Parker - Toys
He had actually suggested doing a Toy video as his next step, and he reminded Bryan he would be willing to do one since he was here. He really wants to be a versatile player (but of course wants to start off by topping), so he figured a Toy video would at least test his ability for ass for insertion.
Bryan always tell the guys to not judge ass fucking with a dildo compared to a genuine dick. It’s just not as comfortable.
So basically Bryan just had him get hard, gave him three toys to step up to in size, and he fumbles around trying to get them in. Clearly he has never used one on himself, which lends to the authenticity of the moment.

Jan 06, 2010 By Ken 11 Comments

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