Chinpoko Poll: What’s Your Favorite Lube?

Chinpoko Poll: What's Your Favorite Lube?
Hey gang, it’s your favorite prick Chinpoko back with another fun sex poll. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m uncut. That not only means that I have a long delicious foreskin for you to suck on, but also that I don’t always have to use lube to get off. My extra skin slips right over my head to keep me from getting rubbed the wrong way.
I know not everyone jerks-off the same way, so I’m curious—what’s your favorite lube? I’ve listed a few choices below, but if I didn’t include your favorite, tell me what it is in the QComments. Maybe I can use it the next time I blow a load…. which will probably be in a few seconds, PATA, PATA!!!

May 06, 2010 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments