Chinpoko Poll: Are You Pro Or Anti-Circumcision?

Chinpoko Poll: Are You Pro Or Anti-Circumcision?
Hey everyone! It’s me, Chinpoko back with the results of another probing question. Last week asked how many of you mix drugs and sex. Of the drug-loving QClickers, 8% use booze and smokes, 10% prefer viagra and poppers, and 15% love partaking in free-love weed and mushrooms. Of those who do not mix drugs with dicks, 16% consider sex a strong enough drug on its own while 35% think those who regularly mix the two should seriously think about why they feel the need to. Sound advice—so put that in your pipe and smoke it!
This week week question is a cut above the rest. It and the poll are after the jump!

So apparently there’s a Californian “in-tactavist” who wants to keep men’s penises in tact by banning infant circumcision in San Francisco. He said, “The base of our argument is you’re spending incredible amounts of money doing painful and damaging surgery to an unwilling patient.” And while his law will likely not withstand the rights of parents to get their kids cut for religious reasons, it still raises and interesting issue (in my pants).
Circumcision has real consequences, especially in porn. Take Arpad Miklos and Trent Locke for instance. On the one hand, Trent has a beautifully cut cock that drools precum and on the other mouth, err… hand, Arpad’s uncut meat missile makes me drool precum too. PATA! PATA! PATA! And while I know how I feel about their penises, how do you feel about yours? Do you wish you had been circumcised or vice-versa? Sound off in the poll and QComments!

Feb 25, 2011 By paperbagwriter 20 Comments

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