Chaos Men: Tatum Parks

Chaos Men: Tatum

If you have been following this site for a while then you know Bryan finds sexy in all kinds of guys. Not too many bald guys on the site, but Tatum oozes sexiness. Bryan asked him to grow his hair out, and boy did he!

He is a Beast!

His body hair comes and goes. Bryan has seen photos of him with and without. He constantly battles his arm and back hair, but Bryan had him promise to at least leave some of the chest hair, and of course the pubes stay. Hair or not, the guy has that certain ‘something’.

Chaos Men: Tatum

Tatum is way into fitness and diet, and he has the muscles to show for it. He actually said he has been slacking-off, and Bryan showed him a picture of a model he may one day work with, and he looked like he was planning a new workout routine right then and there to get extra-ripped. Bryan doesn’t know if there is some Bi in him, but he sure got motivated.

And as he is now, WOW, we love his body, his face, and that dick!

Chaos Men: Tatum

He admits to being passive in bed, likes when the girls boss him around. He has messed around with one guy “once or twice” but it didn’t sound too involved.

So Bryan knows he is very open-minded, and doing an oral video is a for sure thing. Bryan can think of a few dudes that would love to boss him around too!

Jul 02, 2012 By Jo 12 Comments

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