Justin Bieber’s Half-Naked Pictures

Holy Jailbait, Batman! It looks like Justin Bieber might be making the Zac Efron-style transition from twinky Hilary Swank lookalike to actual stud. The increasingly sexy singer — who is 18 now, by the way — has taken to strolling around in his underwear, and with a body like that, who can blame him? I’m imagining that like Zac Efron before him, this guy is going to fill out nicely in the next few years. What with his tattoo obsession and everything, Justin Bieber is poised to make the graceful leap from Tiger Beat to wet dream. Can you imagine what’s going on between his legs? I’m patiently waiting for his dick pic to surface.

I predict one of two paths for Mr. Bieber’s early twenties: 1) Lohan-esque trainwreck, in which case the odds of his releasing a sex tape are high. 2) He comes out in early 2015, in which case our odds of seeing him naked remain pretty much the same. I guess there’s always the possibility that he’ll make a well-adjusted transition into adulthood. But seriously, how many of us do that?

Feb 02, 2013 By will 9 Comments

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