Chaos Men: Aries, Solomon and Vander – RAW Tag Team on QCX

Chaos Men: Aries, Solomon and Vander - RAW Tag Team
[Note from Chaos Men: This is the sanitized version for viewers who may not like fetish play. The Director’s Cut has an extra minute of “fetish” activity.]
This video requires a little back story. Solomon and Vander did a video together last year. It was kind of turning point for Solomon. The two went at it like enthusiastic animals… right down to some armpit eating.
Solomon had been playing on Team Straight full time, but once he worked with Vander, he realized he might actually like dudes too. He had watched the final video and got turned on by it. Ever since filming with him, he had been asking for a re-match. The two developed a mutual crush on each other, and would ask about the other each time they came in.
Solomon is now a confident bottom, and the thought of Vander in his hole excited him. So at least for this video, they would be swapping positions. Bryan also figured adding one more guy into the mix would help spice things up. Aries is super bossy, loves to Top, and though Vander is versatile, he really does get rock hard when he is getting fucked. Aries could easily fuck the two boys the entire shoot if need be.

Read on, my dear … on QueerClick X.

Apr 13, 2013 By Jo 9 Comments