Queer Clicks: October 10 | Sculptor’s Miniature Freddie Mercury Creation Will Blow Your Mind, What Is It About Russian Bodybuilders?, & Other News

Shirtless Jason Momoa is the Best Part of the New Justice League Trailer

“No matter how hard DC tries, they can’t seem to get people to care about Justice League. I loved Wonder Woman as much as the next girl, but the DC cinematic universe just feels tired in comparison to Marvel — although to be fair, Marvel is pretty tired at this point as well.

Thankfully, the upcoming Justice League movie does have one thing going for it: Jason Momoa’s torso, which is prominently featured in the film’s new trailer. There’s also a grieving Amy Adams and a world falling apart in the wake of Superman’s demise, but shirtless Aquaman is really what it’s all about.” Out

Sculptor’s Miniature Freddie Mercury Creation Will Blow Your Mind

“In the following video, supremely talented sculptor Juliana LePine peels back the curtain to reveal her fascinating process. From the outside looking in, she’s playing God, taking a piece of clay and slowly but surely eking out a humble homunculus in Freddy Mercury’s likeness. ” Queerty

A Silver Fox Dates A 24-Year-Old With More ‘Daddy Issues’ Than You Can Imagine In ‘Call Your Father’

“Jordan Firstman dives deep into the generational dating divide in his short film Call Your Father, a dark comedy chronicling a poignant yet disastrous hook-up between a salt-and-pepper ‘daddy’ and a 24-year-old “poet” who’s great at sex but possesses far less developed social skills.

The short film, which is a very quick and sharp 18 minutes, was written and directed by Firstman, and co-stars Firstman and Craig Chester (Swoon, Grief, Circuit, and dozens of other indie films over the years).” Towleroad

photographer Andrei Vishnyakov

What Is It About Russian Bodybuilders?

“There are sure a lot of bodybuilders in Russia. Maybe they are taking cues from President Vladimir Putin and his well-known shirtless shots. It does seem ironic that in a country that can be so homophobic there are so many young men practically flaunting their near-naked bodies at eacho other. But all the better for photographer Andrei Vishnyakov.” Advocate

Oct 10, 2017 By Dave 1 Comment