Queer Clicks: January 25 | Straight Woman Asks Advice Columnist, ‘Is My Boyfriend Gay If He Watches Gay Porn?,

Straight Woman Asks Advice Columnist, ‘Is My Boyfriend Gay If He Watches Gay Porn?”

“In her advice column for The Washington Post, Carolyn Hoax answers a straight woman’s query about her boyfriend’s gay porn watching habits and whether it may mean that he’s gay. The straight woman basically asks, “Is my boyfriend gay if he watches gay porn?”” Hornet App

Gay Short Film Showcase: Underwater

“Although much porn lacks imagination, in the past few years certain studios and filmmakers have blurred the lines, whether it’s including extremely explicit content in a ‘normal’ movie, or trying to give porn a more artisitc or filmic edge. The reason we’ve decided to include Underwater here (you can watch it below) is because it’s rather unusual in that it was actually a 90-minute hardcore porn movie from 2015 called Swimboy.” Big Gay Picture Show

Man Complains That There’s ‘Excessive’ Nudity In Male Locker Room

“A man in Canada has made a formal complaint about “excessive nudity” in his pool’s male locker room.

Norm Waddell, who goes to the Cowichan Aquatic Centre in Duncan, British Columbia, has become increasingly unhappy with the amount of naked men walking around the changing rooms after his physiotherapy sessions.” Winq

Why Is Everyone Going Bananas For The “Men With Open Legs” Instagram account? Um…

“What else can we tell you about the page? Well, pretty much nothing. Sometimes it’s better to slowly back away from your computer, show and not tell, and let the thirsty photos do all the work for you.” Queerty

Jan 25, 2018 By Dave 5 Comments