Ask QC: A Lapse in Judgement and Regretting it

Dear AskQC.

I am in my mid twenties and I went to a party last week, it was at a beach house. I was irresponsible I know, I’m not going to try and say I wasn’t. Someone at the party tested positive for the Rona and I am trying to be responsible and isolate for 2-3 weeks. I went to the party with my roommate and his girlfriend who also lives with us.

The girlfriend has to work or she will lose her job. The problem is when she is out of the apartment my roommate is starting to make very aggressive passes at me. I have no desire to hurt their relationship and I don’t swing, and clearly he isn’t looking for a threesome. I have no where else to go, and I am stuck here for another week.


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Aug 21, 2020 By Dave 1 Comment