Profile Picture Cabo (ActiveDuty)

Cabo (ActiveDuty)

There is 1 post for Cabo (ActiveDuty), the oldest from May 5, 2010.

ActiveDuty: Cabo

active duty cabo
Cabo is 21-years old, stands 6′ tall and weighs around 150 lbs. He likes to ski, play guitar and sing. He’s on his way out of the Marines but says he might switch branches. Cabo has the most gorgeous green eyes and pretty smile. His sense of humor is priceless and he doesn’t miss a trick. Dink gave him a hard time and he’s a damn good sport about it. Thay had a lot of laughs before Cabo stripped out of his clothes and showed us what he’s sportin’. One thing very noticeable about this Marine is his awesome tats — so colorful and vivid!

31 May 10 By Dave 4 Comments