Profile Picture Derek 3 (SeanCody)

Derek 3 (SeanCody)

There are 10 posts for Derek 3 (SeanCody), the oldest from October 10, 2011.

Split Identity: The Guy Site’s Zach Vs Sean Cody’s Derek

Split Identity: The Guy Site's Zach Vs Sean Cody's Derek

What a difference a few years make! The other day many of us were surprised by the unexpected return of Leo Giamani but in that TheGuySite update there was another return that not many noticed. His partner in that scene was Zach, who has done several scenes with that studio but in the a few years ago he used to go by the name of Derek on Sean Cody! The blue eyes and the huge muscles are all still there but it is noticeable how much this beefy hunk has matured over the years you can tell he has learned a few tricks along the way. We wonder which incarnation do QC readers prefer. Are you looking forward to seeing more of Zach/Derek in the future? Which studio do you think did a better job at showcasing his incredible anatomy. Make sure to join the conversation after the jump. And don’t forget to vote on the poll and tell your impressions in the comments!

Continue with “Split Identity: The Guy Site’s Zach Vs Sean Cody’s Derek”

17 Nov 15 By G. 9 Comments

Sean Cody: Paul and Derek

Sean Cody: Paul and Derek
Wow, this was unexpected!
We kind of figured that Derek was a “top only” kind of guy. Derek comes across as very serious and somewhat aggressive. He’s a big guy with big muscles and we just assumed that he wasn’t going to be that flexible.
So, imagine our surprise when Derek not only asked if he could get fucked, but he was actually excited about it!

Continue with “Sean Cody: Paul and Derek”

25 Nov 11 By Ken 5 Comments

Sean Cody: Derek and Immanuel

Sean Cody: Derek and Immanuel
Getting Derek to “push the envelope” was something that Sean Cody couldn’t get out of his head. We really wanted to see his big, muscular body railing into someone!
Bringing it up is always unpredictable. You never know how someone is going to react.
“So,” SC said… “You were pretty intense during your first film. How would you feel about bringing that intensity back… to fuck someone?”

Continue with “Sean Cody: Derek and Immanuel”

31 Oct 11 By Ken 11 Comments

Sean Cody: Derek (3)

Sean Cody: Derek(3)
Derek is a 32-year-old martial arts instructor with a whole lot of muscle! Watching him “round house” kick the punching bag, we have to say that we were both scared and impressed at the amount of power and control he exhibited over his body. However, like most martial artists, he is dedicated to the study of perfecting the body’s skill and discipline rather than using the training for actual fighting.

Continue with “Sean Cody: Derek (3)”

13 Oct 11 By Ken 14 Comments