Logan McCree

There are 4 posts for Logan McCree, the oldest from December 12, 2010.

Chinpoko Poll: Where Is The Sexiest Place To Get A Tattoo?

Chinpoko Poll: Where Is The Sexiest Place To Get A Tattoo?
Before we get to last week’s results on dating someone with a tramp stamp, QCommenter Paul said, “How about you offer answers to YES in a way that doesn’t sound stupid? This whole poll is going to be skewed because of the way your arrogant ass can’t even PRETEND not to tip your hand.” He was right.
What can I say? I’m a dick. But I don’t wanna skew any polls or hurt any tramps. So let’s try this another way. 66% of the skewed poll respondents said they would never seriously date a man with a tramp stamp. But maybe tramp stamps are secretly sexy and I just don’t know it. So tell me, in this age of ultra-tatted studs like Logan McCree and Dirty Tony’s Aces where’s the sexiest place to get a tattoo?
For the record, I don’t have one, but it’s only because I have a lot of relatives whose tattoos have not aged well. Imagine a sexy pin up girl. Now imagine her faded with cellulite and moles. Yes… like that.
Leave your mark on Chinpoko’s poll after the jump!

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27 Jan 11 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

For Christmas, Logan McCree Cheats On His Wife And Face Fucks Damien Crosse

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the flat
Logan McCree’s wife wondered where his boner was at.
Though his tattooed body lay right by her side,
he wanted to give Damien Crosse a ride.
And so when she left Damien came in all macho
and at Logan’s cock like a plateful of nachos.

As they started fucking, they both felt all right
and said “Merry Christmas to all and TAKE THAT DICK, BITCH!”

See the entire hot scene at Stag Homme.

25 Dec 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Logan McCree, el Dios de los Tatuados

Logan McCree, el Dios de los Tatuados
Bueno, está demás decir porque hemos elegido Logan McCree como el Dios de los Tatuados. Hay que ser muy macho para aguantar el dolor al tatuarse la polla, además que este es uno de los porno stars más versátiles de la actualidad.
PD.: La foto que ilustra este posting es un avance de la ultima actualización de Stag Homme, publicaremos más fotos y el vídeo mañana.

22 Dec 10 By rick Write a comment!