Profile Picture Noah Rods

Noah Rods

There are 2 posts for Noah Rods, the oldest from November 11, 2013.

NextDoorStudios: Riddick Stone and Noah Rods

Next Door Buddies: Riddick Stone and Noah Rods
Riddick Stone is stuck in the office late… again. Already beginning to wear down from his workload, the jealous phone call from his new wife is just too much to handle. What he needs is a release. Something totally different. Wild. Noah Rods cruises the internet for hookups every now and again, but has never responded to an ad until today …

Continue with “NextDoorStudios: Riddick Stone and Noah Rods”

05 Dec 13 By Jo 7 Comments

NextDoorStudios: Damien West, Josh A and Noah Rods

Next Door Buddies: Damien West, Josh A and Noah Rods
Damian West wonders why he even bothers sometimes. Sure, Noah & Josh will pretty much do whatever he says, but what good is it if he has to tell them what to do all the time? He feels like he’s constantly carrying their extra weight, whether its out on the field, back at the gym, whatever… and quite frankly he’s starting to wonder what he even sees in them.
Well after practice one day, back at Damian’s pad, they remind him. Fresh off a rigorous afternoon on the field, Damian’s shoulders are tight, and so Noah begins to massage them. Damian’s feet are sore, and so Josh begins to rub them. And when Damian’s cock starts to swell up and rise beneath his shorts, Noah and Josh fight over who gets to take care of that.

Continue with “NextDoorStudios: Damien West, Josh A and Noah Rods”

21 Nov 13 By Jo 6 Comments