Profile Picture Russ (SeanCody)

Russ (SeanCody)

There are 3 posts for Russ (SeanCody), the oldest from June 6, 2010.

Sean Cody: Russ

Sean Cody: Russell
Russ is an Air Force vet who’s well mannered, genuine, and really nice. Now, he’s in college and devoted full-time to his studies. Russ is ambitious and, one day, wants to be a chef. He also wears his heart on sleeve and admits that may be a reason he’s perpetually single. For Russ though, a relationship isn’t high on his priority list. He’s focused on his studies but likes to casually date…just as long as the girl doesn’t get on his nerves.
“What annoys you most about women?”
“Not able to hold a conversation, too uptight, not laid back enough, can’t take a joke, things like that,” he answered.

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11 Jun 10 By Ken 15 Comments