Profile Picture Rylan Shaw

Rylan Shaw

There is 1 post for Rylan Shaw, the oldest from April 4, 2012.

NextDoorStudios: Adam Pain, Rylan Shaw and Angelo Romani

Next Door Buddies: Adam Pain, Rylan Shaw and Angelo Romani
The first rule of Fuck Club is tell all your friends! Adam Pain has been working hard to get his new sex club off the ground. He’s enlisted the help of his buddies Rylan Shaw and Angelo Romani. They like the concept Adam’s going for with this new hangout so they’ve agreed to help him move in the new furniture, but all this work has made them HORNY! Adam’s been cracking the whip all day, making both of them work as quickly as possible. When Rylan and Angelo feel they’ve reached a good stopping point, they decide to entice Adam into taking a break.

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14 Apr 12 By Jo 3 Comments