Profile Picture Samuel (CorbinFisher)

Samuel (CorbinFisher)

There are 3 posts for Samuel (CorbinFisher), the oldest from August 8, 2010.

Corbin Fisher: Samuel

Corbin Fisher: Samuel
Samuel is a hot 20-year-old athlete who definitely has great ball-handling skills! He plays lots of co-ed sports like vollyeball. He played baseball all through his high school career, and was a point guard for three years on the basketball team. But it sounds like his favorite co-ed sport is sex!
He was a little nervous during the interview, but the idea that people would be watching him jerk off was “kind of a self-confidence booster.” He was 15 when he had sex for the first time and says, oddly enough, it was an “accident!” Now we have to know the story!

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24 Aug 10 By scotchtape 5 Comments