Who’s That Model?

Who's that model?
We’ve got a Split Identity scoop! Stay tuned.
Clinton Huff
Much as we believe the spirit of journalism is to uncover and report the truth, our conscience has gotten hold the better of us and we’ve decided to leave the noble job of joining the dots together to somebody else lest we be responsible for another’s career or worst still, life. A reader has kindly written in to advise us against digging further and we heed it.
In order to protect the innocent, we’ll be switching off the comments function. This will be all. It’s for you to figure it out and tell no one else.

Oct 31, 2005 By Editor D


  • Adam says:

    You might not want to go into that. I heard he tried to commit suicide over his past work, he regretted it so much. He’s now trying to make a legit career in modeling.

  • Laphog says:

    I love those ball shots.