Clay Aiken’s Dirty Laundry Exposed!

Clay Aiken's dirty cumrag
Ewwww. Can you smell that stale whiff!?
Clay Aiken’s accuser, John Paulus aka Jonah Cruise (and now Lucas Entertainment model) posts alleged evidence on his new blog while the Clay universe reacts.
Here’s an interesting excerpt of their chat transcript.
revnoles: well.. that sorta stinks (QC: okay, we do not think he was refering to the cumrag! Haha)
jonahcruise: How long are you in town for?
revnoles: just the week this time
jonahcruise: and what exactly are you looking for?
revnoles: but i wanted to meet now
revnoles: honestly…. i would love a DISCREET DISCREET bf
revnoles: but.. i’m really sorta horny right now
jonahcruise: I would hate to disappoint you, but I very very rarely ever hook up and put out on the first encounter.
jonahcruise: Regarding the discreet bf. That’s always possible with the right chemistry.
revnoles: i am in agreement with your first statement
revnoles: typically
revnoles: but i am VERY worked up today
revnoles: and i wish i could convince you
jonahcruise: lol. You are too adorable.
revnoles: come on!!!… PLEASE!!!
jonahcruise: I was horny for 2 weeks and you stood me up…
revnoles: i havent been around
jonahcruise: I know… i’m only joshing you.
revnoles: cant you PLEASE get it back
revnoles: PLEASE!!!
jonahcruise: I never said I didn’t have it.
jonahcruise: lol
revnoles: well… make it work today then PLEASE!!!
jonahcruise: Where can I possibly meet you today?
revnoles: i could come down to you
jonahcruise: I have my mother here. I was being honest.
revnoles: what about a hotel?
jonahcruise: Hmmm. I guess, but only to meet.
More sordid details at John’s blog and Reality Blurred.
(Thanks THE Shawn, and Andy!)
John Paulus on Howard Stern
Clay Aiken Outed
Clay Aiken’s (Mini) Croissant

Apr 06, 2006 By Editor D 16 Comments