
Welcome to the new-weekly TV/Entertainment section of QC called QueerTube. Weekly we shall highlight, hunt down, stalk, analyze and report on GLBT TV and happenings.
As The World Turns ( Where They Drop The Balls)
CBS’s ATWT’s continued the story this week of Luke Grimaldi-Snyder. To catch up on what you missed last week go HERE. Alright ATWT’s what gives? You were on this amazing adventure chronicling a great teenage coming out story and in the last couple weeks, the only action Luke has seen has been his straight crush trying to set him up with girls? Boring! Give the character back his balls. Luke Snyder has a blog chronicling his journey HERE and CBS joined GLAAD to create a public service campaign of “Be an Ally and a Friend.”
Rescue Me (The Probie BJ)
FX’s series, Rescue Me, about the lives of Firemen and their heroism, struggles and daily lives is a major hit. Trying to be ever so politically correct, Rescue Me deals with and currently joins the ranks of shows having GLBT issues as main plots. To catch up on last weeks rundown go HERE.
FX has obviously found a way “out” for the whole “Probie/ Roommate” gay/bi storyline. Last week the only gay action (which was pathetic) showed Probie calling his roommate to let him know he wouldn’t be making it home. It was very, “Honey, I’m really sorry I have to work late.” The entire time “roomie” is on the phone making Probie feel bad, there is this short-skinny guy standing there listening. Obviously this was a “trick” the roomie had over for when he hangs up the phone they embrace with the worst acting I have ever seen. A failed attempt at a hug and peck and you see the beginning of the end of this storyline! FX, get off your proverbial “Oh No Not A Gay Couple On FX” butts and do something worthy with this storyline. Gay and Bi men can be HOT Firemen too!
Catch some great clips and check out the HOT actors HERE On Rescue Me, the fire is hardly the only HOT item. The Hot Video is HERE!
So You Think You Can Dance (aka Just Move You‘re So Hot)
Sadly. Musa found his exit this past week. The teen-girl fan (dumb) has this major thing for Benji and his partner. Don’t ask me, I don’t get it. The boy screams RAINBOW! Travis saved his butt with a teary thank you to his mother and a solo that was absolutely incredible. Dmitry saved his position by flying around the stage with his glistening abs and killer smile so the gay-gods were appeased.! Now, I don’t know what the deal is with this one judge, Brian, but each week he gets more orange. Literally, I mean orange. Spray on too much? Don’t you think they would use something more non-citric? Don’t get me wrong, he is all-kinds of cute, but I’m worried soon he’ll be so orange that his pretty mug won’t show up on our orange background at QC!
The entire game has changed up now and Benji fans aren’t going to have as easy a time ousting the good dancers in favor of keeping around a fan (dumb) dancer. Starting this week, The dancers will be paired for two dances with random partners and then a solo. Each dancer is on their own now. THANK GOD!
(Via) FOX.
We’re back with another heartbreaking bittersweet results show with two dancers going home tonight. First we have some serious disco to enjoy, or for some, to hit the mute button and sit through. Hey, you can at least enjoy the costumes. Even our host Cat Deeley is getting into the spirit with a tiny metallic black dress that looks stolen from Donna Summer.
Here are your judges: Brian Friedman, Mary Murphy, and Nigel Lythgoe. Uh-oh, we have a surprise, Donyelle was missing from that opening sequence dealing with an ankle injury that’s evidently getting more serious. We have a quick recap of the performances from yesterday, and then on to Nigel for a big surprise announcement. After tonight’s episode the pairs will be broken up. Now, in addition to randomly choosing a dance style, each dancer will be randomly choosing their partner. Also, from this point on each dancer will have their own number, no more voting for partnered teams, it’s one for all! And of course there’s more… to usher in these new changes affecting the 10 remaining dancers, the next show will be a two-hour special in which each couple will dance twice and each dancer will perform a solo. What will I be doing you ask? Why, buying a case of Red Bull (I’m looking for sponsorship, so…)
After some dramatic deliberation and a review of all the judges’ comments, the bottom three couples are Ashlee & Dmitry, Travis & Martha, and Natalie & Musa.
On to the solo’s!
We Don’t Play
Lil Rob
She’s doing her specialty, pop ‘n lock, and dressed kind of like she’s in the Black Eyed Peas with a black skull cap. Somehow I’m never that impressed with these types of routines, especially this one, but those judges can be a surprising group. I think Ashlee doesn’t feel that great about it either, she’s really trying to be articulate in her post-solo speech.
Jailhouse Rock
Elvis Presley
Dmitry comes trotting out with his standard lady killer charm turned all the way up. He has a little problem with the splits, but the women aren’t complaining, they’re too busy screaming. Did I mention he’s not wearing a shirt?
Jodie Manross
She comes out really strong with some powerful contemporary moves exhibiting her strengths and physical prowess. I think the judges are going to like this dance from a number of angles.
The Blowers Daughter
Damien Rice
He’s really showing some strength here, across the board. It’s elegant, powerful, controlled, yet gentle, and that’s just his brand of Mohawk. This is definitely a solo routine that keeps a dancer in this competition.
Some Girls
Rachel Stevens
Oh man, Natalie starts this one off right by sliding down a staircase banister at the back of the stage. Then she goes into a series of bizarre bobbing spins that exhibit her astounding thigh strength, all the while being very sexy. What Dmitry does for the women, Natalie does for the men.
Disco Inferno
The Tramps
I dig this dude, he totally sells it every time he’s on stage. The equivalent to Jamille from last season, Musa is the only one with the real street style and he brings it in this solo. To me he dances like he doesn’t really care too much about the competition, just entertaining and pulling the baddest moves possible.
It’s deliberation time for the judges while the Pussycat Dolls strut their stuff. They’re performing their new single “Buttons.” The dolls have gone with a minimalist approach with nothing but wireless handheld mics to communicate their new single making a double-entendre of the word “buttons.” Brilliant.
The judges return and they are evidently unanimous. This is somewhat strange since this is probably the most difficult elimination round yet. The girls are up first as always. Natalie is asked to step forward and she’s staying. Now it’s between Martha and Ashlee, and Ashlee is going home. Bittersweet for the bowler hat-wearing popper.
Now the gents turn. Nigel calls Travis up first and says he’s sensational then has him step aside. Then he calls up Dmitry, gives a handful of praise but says he needs to chill with displaying the abs and think more about dancing. Musa is up, and Nigel says they totally loved his solo more than anyone; but he can’t remain in the competition without having that partner skill he’s so consistently lacking.
Check out these HOT guys:
To get recaps go HERE.
R-Cruise Returns To Dock (Rosie‘s Gay-Family Cruise Returns From Alaska)
My partner and I are back at home exhausted and emotionally reeling from the family Alaskan Cruise experience. We are an older couple (late 50’s) and have been together for 31 years. We have never been on a cruise before and have never participated in any kind of large “gay” event. Though children have been an important part of our lives, we have no children of our own. We have never before had so much fun as we ran from one activity to another all the while experiencing the joy and pride of being a part of the large and wonderfully diverse community on board this amazing ship that managed to stay afloat even as it was buffeted about by what felt like a tsunami type storm!
For 8 days as we looked across the crowded decks , dining areas, or entertainment venues, we never ceased to be amazed that we were among hundreds and hundreds of like spirited people. The crowds of persons gathered here, young and old, gay and straight, male and female for us, symbolized the hope of the future. The brief one week experience was truly life altering. Our only criticism is that with all of the wonderful excursions, parties, entertainment, late night entertainment, and late, late night piano bars there was literally not enough time to sleep!
On the last day as we stood on the deck for one final look we sadly and tearfully watched the “crowds” dissipate as “our” families slowly melted back into the mainstream culture where so many powerful individuals are desperately trying to marginalize us.
Today as we continue our reentry back into the real world we are left with a lingering bittersweet sense of loss and hope. For us there can be no such thing as “too crowded.” MANY, MANY THANKS. Count us as part of the crowd that will be joining you next July,
Micheline & Wendy
With such talent as Kathy Griffin, Cindi Lauper, Susan Powter and cast members from Fiddler, this cruise was a success by all accounts. I applaud Rosie for this wonderful event! Not only has she been nominated for three Emmy awards for her HBO DocumentaryALL ABOARD! Rosie‘s Family Cruise, but she has provided a safe, fun and educational advantage for GLBT and Heterosexual family’s to come together and share in a wonderful vacation that nurtures acceptance and equality. Check out her webpage for upcoming cruise opportunity’s, I am already planning mine! You know Doc. has to experience one of these events personally!
Rosie‘s Family Cruise Site
The View: (Rosie O’s New Show)
Star Jones is ousted! Then in one of the most idiotic career moves in the history of STUPID she puts herself up against Barbara Walters on LARRY KING LIVE!
Read The Entire Transcript Here Larry King Live Transcript; Star Jones Reynolds.
The View wasted no time in removing all traces of Mrs. Reynolds and it is like she was never there. She has been removed from all web reference and Rosie has already been added. Did I mention Rosie will also be on NipTuck this Fall? Cannot wait to see one of my favorite Lesbians on one of my favorite shows.
To read Rosie O’s blog about Star lying on air in March GO HERE.
Next to be out the door Elisabeth (Homophobe?) Hasselbeck! It’s only going to get hotter on The View so turn up the heat, have a seat and “lets get ready to rumble.” Rosie O has her blog HERE and recaps of The View can be seen HERE.
KYLE XY (Very Hot Bod)
ABC FAMILY launched Kyle XY and it is a HUGE hit. I caught an interview with KYLE (Matt Dallas) on the TV Guide channel this past week and he is a truly humble-average guy. I really like that. Celebrity is so overrated. I think Matt Dallas is a fresh face and perfect for the role as Kyle. The mystery becomes deeper with each episode. Catch the 3rd episode tonight on ABC Family.
You can also catch Matt Dallas on MySpace.
Big Brother All-Stars (BB6 vs. Chill Town)
(Via) BB All-Stars Recap.
King Kaysar Crowned HoH
After a week of hard lobbying, deal-making and pleading, Alison ends up on the losing ticket and Danielle finds herself staying in the BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS house. In a difficult Q&A-style HoH Competition, Kaysar answers the tough questions correctly and emerges victorious, becoming the second Head of Household on BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS.
With the PoV left unused by Janelle, Alison and Danielle remain on the block and get to work rustling up votes from amongst the strays and dominating personalities of the BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS house. Alison works her HouseGuests, admitting, “I am the most vengeful person in this house. If I escape getting evicted, I come back tenfold.”
Meanwhile, Danielle hits up George with a promise of sanctuary from nomination, and then presents Janelle with a promise to not come after the Season Six Alliance. Jase spends some quality time with Dr. Will and Mike in the backyard discussing the merits of evicting Danielle over Alison. Mike seems to be more excited about the potential catfight between Janelle and Alison should Danielle be evicted and Alison seek her vengeance. “That’s a big part of our motivation to keep Ali,” he insists.
Jase finds Alison in the house to let her know she has support. Working off this knowledge, a renewed Alison approaches James with the big question. When James asks her what votes she has, she reveals her backers, then names her future targets: the Season Six people, his alliance. “She’s not as bright as I thought she was,” James confides later. “I need to make for damn sure that she goes home this week.”
In a slip-up that blows his cover, James approaches Mike with reasons to evict Alison. “The more that ‘S-6’ push to keep Danielle, the more skeptical I am,” Mike responds. Ever on the lookout for intrigue and deception, Alison spots James’ move and tries to overhear their conversation, but to no avail.
Danielle, feeling put upon because she has been given “a bad rap” because of her behavior on Season Three, confesses her angst to Nakomis in search of a sympathy vote before shedding real tears for America in the Diary Room. Pretty-babies Janelle, Marcellas and Erika discuss voting out Alison. Marcellas admits he will have trouble voting out Alison rather than his mortal enemy, Danielle. “How do you choose between gonorrhea or the clap?” he asks. “What do you do?”
Known for, among other things, his notorious “shomance” with Holly in BIG BROTHER 5, Jase feels he is now a more “refined player” with a healthier and hopefully winning outlook on BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS. Knowing he can win when he needs to and coast when he has to, Jase plans to let the “big personalities” implode on each other while he sits back and watches. From his former BIG BROTHER experience, Jase is ready to play a smarter game, “laying low and working things behind the scenes.” However, Jase is playing a dangerous game, making promises to each different alliance in the ALL-STARS house. With the undaunted confidence that only Jase could pull off, he yells, “I’m riding this house like a mechanical bull!”
We get the skinny on Alison from her ex- and current boyfriends. Justin, her BIG BROTHER 4 paramour, believes she “is an All-Star in every sense of the word.” Although he admits she exploited almost all of the guys, Justin also believes she played the game almost flawlessly. Alison’s current squeeze believes Alison got a bad reputation from her previous BIG BROTHER season. “If you know Alison,” he smiles, “you know that’s not the person she is.” Apparently, Alison has come to certain agreements with her current beau about what she will and will not do to win this summer. Jason believes his girl has changed immensely since season four, going so far as to say if she “plays without compromising her morals and her integrity, she’ll do very well.” However, Alison admits, “I told myself I wasn’t going to be sneaky this year,” laughing nefariously as she realizes the success, or lack thereof, in her short-lived attempt.
Will wants to keep Alison around because “blonde girls hate blonde girls,” and he wants Alison to go after Janelle. Howie wants to keep Alison around initially because she looks great in a bikini, but his rational choice is to give her the boot.
As the Houseguests convene with Julie Chen for the Eviction Ceremony, Danielle and Alison get a chance to have one final say. It’s a love fest: both are honored to be amongst the All-Stars, and Ali is flattered to be sitting next to Danielle, who also made it to the Final Two in her previous season. With that, Julie Chen opens the vote envelope. By a vote of 8-2, Alison is the first All-Star evicted from the BIG BROTHER HOUSE. Alison’s goodbye hugs are short, sweet and cordial.
Alison walks out the front door of the ALL-STARS house and sits down with Julie Chen for her post-eviction interview. When Julie asks, “Are you your own worst enemy?” Ali replies with a tinge of regret that she’s lost that evil touch that stood her in such good stead on BB4. She attributes her sea change to being in love with the right man. When given a last chance to say something about Janelle, Alison takes the high road, replying that Janelle really isn’t that bad.
Next, Ali watches the goodbye videos from her former housemates. The farewell message is sweet from James, who admits Alison is one of the fiercest, most insane competitors he’s ever seen. Nakomis is a bit blunter, saying Alison opened her mouth too soon in the season, but Danielle’s farewell message is as sweet as we can expect from her fellow nominee: “An eye, for an eye, Ali-bear.” The biggest surprise is Erika, who cries because she expected to feel vengeful satisfaction in seeing Ali go, but that satisfaction isn’t there.
In another sneaky twist, the HoH Competition, called “Alison Rules,” requires knowledge of the newly evicted Alison. The contest has a question-and-answer format, and the HouseGuests have to guess how Alison answered a series of questions. The last HouseGuest standing is the new HoH. The contest quickly comes down to Nakomis vs. Kaysar. In the final moments, the eventual winner emerges: it is Kaysar.
New HoH Kaysar holds the power to set new rules in the BIG BROTHER: ALL-STAR house. Who will be nominated next for the eviction block? Watch the exciting next episode of BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS, as the game gets serious and the body count grows. Stay tuned for BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS…

Jul 18, 2006 By docfeel 2 Comments