Bedroom Eyes by Raging Stallion

Bedroom Eyes by Raging Stallion
The world is full of beautiful people. As gay men, we have an instinct for the appreciation of beauty – especially male beauty! All of us have turned our heads as we walk by a gorgeous man, allowing our eyes to linger a moment longer while our inner smiles beam with pleasure. Striking chiseled features, brilliant blue eyes, a chest that heaves with masculinity, a mouth framed by inviting, kissable lips…these are the things that arouse us all. Mankind is our candy store, and gay men like it sweet!
Acclaimed director Chris Ward brings us Bedroom Eyes, his first major film since last year’s blockbusting Arabesque.

Bedroom Eyes by Raging Stallion
Just as Arabesque was an extended study of male imagery, Bedroom Eyes is an exploration of the classic beauty of men in the most erotic possible context. Ward has found fourteen of the hottest actors alive and he has filmed them as only Raging Stallion can. The carefully selected cast of this two-disc movie consists of top RSS exclusives as well as a generous mix of outstanding talent from other top studios. This is an international movie, with a cast of the hottest models from the US, England, France, Spain, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. The sets are beautiful lofts, estates, gardens, hot tubs, and bedrooms. This is, simply put, a beautiful film from start to finish, enhanced by an all-new soundtrack crafted by JD Slater! Each scene – from the opening duo to the hour-long grand finale five-way – is a movie unto itself, each evoking an individual sprit, like chapters chronicling the pageant of a seductive story. Ward has used old Hollywood movies to name each scene, the meaning sometimes obvious but other times not.

To put it plainly, Bedroom Eyes is an artistic triumph of huge proportions. This will be another Classic Chris Ward Feature Film that will stand the test of time.
Visit Raging Stallion for the hardcore (and very generous) preview of Bedroom Eyes.

Sep 08, 2006 By Editor D 4 Comments