COLT turns 40!

One of the first times I went into an adult bookstore (even before I’d come to terms with the fact that I was gay), I remember seeing my first (pre-Internet) glimpse of gay porn. It was a COLT photo book. And it blew my mind. Completely sexy. Masculine. Powerful. Since then (obviously) I have moved on and found other sources of man flesh… but I have always had a special place in my heart for COLT.
Jim French and other COLT Studio photographers pushed the boundaries… making images of the male body that beautifully blur the lines between fine art and erotica. Better yet, the studio has maintained their standards of quality through the years and I am happy to report the new stuff is just as good as the classic stuff. (Quite frankly, I am amazed at how these guys hold up! The stuff shot in the early 70s is just as sexy now to me as stuff shot last year!)
Now you can enjoy the 40 years of amazing images in a beautiful new book and DVD called, “COLT 40″… Each model in the book presents his own unique expression of masculinity and each photographer uses his artistry to capture another timeless COLT photograph.
The names that have become the icons of COLT Studio Group are all here for our enjoyment and awe: John Pruitt, Pete Kuzak, Carl Hardwick and Steve Kelso are well represented as are the current men,,, Titans of decades past like Toby, Ledermeister and Erron are celebrated equally with the current John Rutherford’s COLT stable of superstars such as Carlo Masi, Luke Garrett, Gage Weston, Skye Woods, Adam Champ and Chris Wide just to name a few.
This book will not be reprinted… so order your collector’s edition today!

Oct 19, 2006 By redmonkey 7 Comments