Ask QC: Is Webcamming Cheating?

Ask QC: Is Webcamming Cheating?

Dear QC,

My partner recently started a new job managing a restaurant which now means his working hours are from 4pm to midnight and I work regular office hours. So this now means we don’t get to see each other as regularly as we used to and definitely our sex life is suffering because of it. I know that I’m more highly sexed than he is, even though we are roughly the same ages, (27 and 29) and he’s always been OK with us both being into porn (we even have a really good selection of smutty DVD’s).

So the other day he comes back home early from work and walks in on me webcamming with this other guy online and he went ballistic, totally off it like he had just caught me in bed with another guy or something like that! And I’m like huh? Its just video, its just webcamming, the guy isn’t even in the same state as me! And he accuses me of being unfaithful and how webcamming is “different” from just jerking off to a video, but I just don’t see it like that.

Well definitely we both have a major disagreement with this, he’s still all huffy about it and has busted up my webcam now. I’m just a bit confused and angry about it really, cos I’ve never seen webcamming as anything more than a bit of fun and certainly never considered this as being unfaithful. And its not like I’m addicted to webcamming or anything like that, just a bit of fun to kill the boredom whilst he is out at work, not like I’m actually meeting and hooking up with guys. What do you guys think?


What do you think, dear QC readers? Is webcamming being unfaithful if you’re in a relationship? Please feel free to share your own experiences and advice to help him in the comments section.
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Oct 22, 2008 By Tim 36 Comments