TV Tuesday: Prayers For Bobby

TV Tuesday: Prayers For Bobby

Sigourney Weaver is an undeniable badass. Did you know that Ridley Scott first wrote Alien for a male lead but that the producers thought a female lead would make the film stand out in the male-dominated horror genre? It’s true. And Sigourney kicked ass through three chest-bursting sequels (last time we counted).
But now she’s kicking different ass… namely that of her gay son. The above is the trailer for the Lifetime movie Prayers For Bobby set to premier January 24th at 9pm EST. But unlike most Lifetime movies, this one actually seems good. But maybe that’s just because we’re gay. Madonna could shit on a piece of toast and we’d be the first in line to gobble it up (that’s a joke, by the way, before you go and freak out in the comments). Anyway, it’s cool that the movie tackles religious intolerance, the “ex-gay” movement, and recent studies showing that disapproving parents can fuck up gay kids. But the trailer’s also so comprehensive, one wonders what surprises the movie could possibly have left?
Oh, that’s right… Sigourney’s amazing acting. Duh.

Dec 30, 2008 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments