Musical Monday: Gay or European?

Musical Monday: Coming Out On Christmas Day

Even though it closed on October 19th, Legally Blonde had a good short run on Broadway. Anyone whose seen the movie knows the endearing story about the plucky, indefatigable and good-natured Elle, a blonde wonder who enrolls in law school in an attempt to reclaim her boyfriend only to find she’s actually got the smarts to win a high profile case. “Gay or European” arrives in the height of the courtroom scene when the murder suspect’s pool boy is under questioning. For our European readers, the line between gay and well-cultured may be thinner than you think. Or maybe it’s just that s Americans think anyone who’s well-groomed, articulate, and fashionable must be gay or an expatriate… we don’t have such men here otherwise.

Jan 05, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!