Is This Eric Sanchez’s Amazing Body?

Is This Eric Sanchez?
“Reality TV whore”, Eric Sanchez won first place in The Amazing Race 11 with his then-girlfriend Danielle. But previous to that, he’d come in second in The Amazing Race 9 with cocky athletic partner, Jeremy Ryan. Other teams dubbed the duo “The Frats” and the hunks went shirtless and ambiguously gay the entire season (later taking pictures together in Speedos and getting touchy-feely with their hippy competitors).
Predicatably, gay rumors circulated amid minor bromance. Sanchez initially played along the joke (and took a handful of homoerotic pics). But he eventually grew tired of the gay speculation, even threatening violence against any “haters” insinuating he was gay on his MySpace page— straight people can be so weird sometimes.
No matter, the homos have come in first this time because Eric has come in his hands. The cock and cum pics above are reportedly his, but we compared the pics to his other homoerotic shirtless pics just to make sure. While we’re almost 100% convinced, are you? Let us know…
Via Sticky.

Mar 07, 2009 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments