Dolph Lundgren’s “Action Hero”

Dolph Lundgren's Action Hero 1
If you’re like us, you had your hand down your pants throughout most of Rocky IV, a sweaty, muscular piece of Cold War pulp that featured action hero musclestud, Dolph Lundgren beating the snot out of Sylvester Stallone. By the end we were so spent and busy wiping off our hands that we never found out who won—just kidding. Rocky Balboa won, of course, ya commie.
Anyway, we returned the Rocky IV VHS and never watched the sequels, but we did keep our eye on Dolph who later played He-Man (another fetishized action figure from our childhood) and then opposite Jean-Claude Van Damme in Universal Soldier. Muscles and brute force? Oh, Dolph’s got it. He’s also got a hanging uncut cock that you can get a closer look at after the jump…

Dolph Lundgren's Action Hero 2
So after jerking off to this iconic action hero for most of our lives, we’re happy to finally see his penis at age 51. Photogs caught him stripping at a beach and even at middle age, Dolph still rocks. He obviously shaves his pubes and has a delightfully uncut dong. Wouldn’t mind going a couple of rounds with him and finishing him off with our patented “knockout knuckle.” By the power of Greyskull, we’d blow him away!
For more naked celebs, check out
Thanks to for the cock pic!

May 13, 2009 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments