Ask QC: Cure For A Stinky Butt?

Ask QC: Cure For A Stinky Butt?

Hi guys,

I’m a 23-year-old guy and I take pride on my tidiness. I always trim and prim myself and also I always wear a cologne and deodorant so that every part of my body smells nice. That’s what I’m known by. People can’t seem to have enough of my soft and clean skin but I have a problem.

The only part that I can’t get to smell nice or at least not smell is my ass. I know it’s supposed to smell but I’ve been with a ton of guys that have an odorless ass. I just want to know about it because I’ve tried everything, even regular deodorant but it still smells bad and I can smell it when I’m having sex and it’s such a turn off.

I don’t know if I should douche or if that’ll work but if you know why or you can help me I would really appreciate it.


Stinky Butt

Stinky Butt’s screen name summarizes his problem. How can someone get their curry-scented manhole to smell less zesty? In Stinky Butt’s case, soap and deodorant just aren’t cutting it, so what’s the next step? Please share any advice and experiences that might help in the comments section.
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Sep 03, 2009 By paperbagwriter 15 Comments