Ask QC: My Boyfriend’s Lost In The World Of Warcraft!

Ask QC: My Boyfriend's Lost In The World Of Warcraft!

Some advice?

I love my boyfriend of 3 years. He’s a big teddy bear and we both love comic books, action movies, and video games. But he goes one step further and plays a bunch of online RPGs (Role Playing Games). That’s totally cool with me. A lot of his friends play and it makes him happy. But lately he’s been spending a lot of time playing those games instead of doing things with me and it’s starting to make me feel like he’d be more interested in me if I was a black mage or a berserker elf.

He’s not the most outgoing guy generally. He’s takes Paxil (an anti-anxiety medication) and has panic attacks sometimes when heading to a party if he doesn’t know a lot of people there. I tend to go easy on him even though I’m an actor and keep a fairly busy social life, but I’ve always made time for him and don’t feel like he’s holding up his end of the bargain so much. I’ve tried taking an active interest in his games and even tried playing for a while, but it’s not my thing and he could tell I was just doing it to be nice. He even got a little agitated, I think.

He’s a sweet sensitive guy who cries sometimes when we have serious talks because he thinks he doesn’t deserve me and that I’m gonna leave him. Sometimes I feel like the bad guy because I’m always asking him to be more attentive, but I’m just trying to figure out a way to approach him that doesn’t put him on the defensive. I love him and am fine with the gaming, but five or six hours a day everyday is too much. I wouldn’t mind so much if he made me feel as important as those games, but lately I haven’t. I asked him if he’s depressed: nope. I asked him if something’s bothering him about us: nope. I asked him if he’d like to do something different for a change: nope.

Because we both work full-time jobs we don’t really get to see each other too often. I tend to have rehearsals in the evening and enjoy going out on weekends when he’d rather stay in and play World of Warcraft. So as it is, it feels like we’re spending less and less time together and when we do, it’s usually in the house eating or watching a movie. I don’t think we’re growing apart really. I mean, relationships have exciting periods and boring periods, right? So maybe this is just a boring period. But I feel like it could be more exciting if I just knew how to engage him. What do you think, guys? What should I do?


Should Drake study to become an elf mage or is there another way to enchant his RPG-playing beau? Love’s a two-way street (or should we say a double-edged bane sword), so how can each half of this duo do their part? We’ve certainly seen our share of WoW addicts and know how involved they can get with online, but how can Drake keep his boy’s interest without hurting his feelings? Please share any advice and experiences that might help in the comments section.
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Sep 24, 2009 By paperbagwriter 15 Comments