Ask QC: How Do I Cruise My Gym Without Being a Jerk?

“How do I behave in the locker room (without missing out on gym cock!)?

I work out in the gym quite often. And I gotta be honest—I love the changing room and showers afterwards. The guys getting naked, wet, and pumped up really turn me on!

But I don’t know how to behave properly. At the moment I’m trying to look as if I don’t care. But I think with this behavior I’m missing out on the possible action that others always tell me about.

The question: how do I behave best in the locker room without being annoying and without missing out? Is it OK to smile to a guy next to you in the shower? Others tell me about jerking off in the shower to get attention, but hey, that’s like crazy isn’t it? And what about the sauna? I’m lost.

QueerClick, tell me how to behave and still get gym-cock 😉

Best from Berlin


We’ve got a gym bunny who’s hungry for some carrots and holes! But how can he get his fill without having his tail bitten off? (OK, we’ll drop the metaphor) He wants to cruise some hot gym cock, but also wants to avoid being a pest, a creep, or getting kicked out. So we need some tips on gym cruising 101. Any experienced gym bunnies in the house? Help out a fellow friend by sharing your advice and experiences in the QComments.
Have a question for QC? Send ’em to [email protected] and we’ll do our best to solve your problems!

Feb 23, 2010 By paperbagwriter 14 Comments